About Talking Twilight blog

Welcome to the Talking Twilight blog site! Bringing you the latest news and updates on Twilight! I’ve been a big fan of Twilight for a long time now and I never seem to get enough of the books or movies. When I first found out about Twilight was when I saw the trailer for the first movie of Twilight. I didn’t know at the time that Twilight was based on a series of books. So, I decided to try the first book of Twilight and it I just couldn’t put it down. It was over from there. I have read the books many times and I just fall in love with the story all over again. What I love about Twilight is that never give up in life and fight what you believe in like love or whatever you are fighting for like Bella did in the story. I run a fan page of ”Let’s Talk Twilight” on Facebook and I’ve have been running that page for nine years now. It’s crazy to think that I’ve been running that page for so long and the fans on the page still enjoy what I post on there. It means a lot that they do because I wouldn’t here without them. And I thank them for that. So, again welcome and I hope you all enjoy this blog as much I as do!

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